Welcome to Our New Website!


Mrs Cath Callow

Head Teacher

Mrs Emma Guppy-Wilcox

Vice Chair and SEND/Pupil Premium Governor

Hello, my name is Emma Guppy-Wilcox and I have been a parent governor at Trewirgie Infants school since 2019 when we moved to Cornwall. I am a retired secondary school middle leader and I am currently vice chair on our governing body. I have three children, one of which has gone through Trewirgie Infants already and the others are quickly following. I have an interest in the arts in the education sector and thoroughly enjoy working with the school and the staff. When we are not busy at school we are usually pottering about at the allotment or on the beaches.

Mr Ian Eslick

I'm Ian Eslick. I've lived in Redruth all of my life. Both my children (& probably Grand-children soon) attended Trewirgie Infants School. I played rugby for Redruth RFC & I work in the dental profession as a Regional Business Manager for Dental Plans. I've now been a governor since just prior to the COVID-19 Lockdown in March 2020 (~3 x years) having previously been a Parent Governor & Chairman of Governors when my children attended the school. I now wanted to get back involved in the local community & help out, especially in these tough economic times with help, support and advice to ensure that local school children get the best education that they can have today.

Mr Alasdair Hoswell

Early Years (EYFS) Governor

Mr Mike Hall
Jo Knuckey

Reading Governor

Mrs Lisa-Marie Clarke

Hello my name is Lisa-Marie Clarke and I have been a teacher for 19 years ,working across KS1 and KS2 in schools across Cornwall. I have been a proud member of the Trewirgie Infant and Nursery School team for 5 years and before that I taught at Trewirgie Junior School for 12years, so I know the families in our community well and love working with them, often teaching generations of a family which is an honor to do.
Previous to my role as a teacher, I was an Art Therapist and child counsellor, supporting both adults and children.
I live locally in Lanner and enjoy walking, surfing, running and cycling with my family on the historic tram roads and coastal paths.

Mrs Lesley Lach
Miss Rosie Mitchell

Safeguarding Governor

Minutes from Governor Meetings