Welcome to Our New Website!


Reception at Trewirgie Infants’ School 

We believe every child has the right to learn in a happy, safe, caring and inspiring environment. We support children to develop their communication skills to build positive relationships with both the adults and children around them which we nurture carefully throughout the year. We enable children to learn through play and exploration alongside carefully planned adult directed sessions where children develop their listening and communication skills in order to succeed in subjects such as Reading, Writing and Maths.

It is our aim at Trewirgie to support every child to become independent thinkers and masters of their own learning. Children and adults work in partnership and our curriculum and enabling environments nurture each child's naturally creative mind, empowering them to succeed. We value the importance of outdoor learning and children have access to our outdoor spaces during our independent learning times both in the morning and afternoon and during our weekly Wild Tribe sessions.

Our ethos of ‘We care, We help, We succeed’ underpins both the provision we provide and the interactions that take place between adults and children in Reception.

We care for the children and support them to develop their understanding of caring for those around them. We help children to develop their skills and children are supported to develop resilience and perseverance. We provide children with the support they need to succeed and ensure all children feel successful in their achievements both at school and home.

Maths in the Early Years - information for parents

Reading and writing in the Early Years - information for parents
 Please see the powerpoints above for any children who will be new to us this year.
We have three Reception classes, King Edward, Wheal Uny and Robinson.

We have been busy getting to know each other and finding out what we can all do and what we all know.

We have also been busy making friends and making memories as well as exploring the provision inside and outside. We love our new outside area!

Have a look at our medium term plan to see ways you can help at home and scroll down to what we think makes our Reception provision special.

What is special about Reception at Trewirgie Infants School?
Drawing Club! We love taking part in Drawing Club each day. It enables us to be creative, imaginative and develop our mark making skills. We read a story each day and learn new vocabulary linked to each story. Have a look at our clips and photos to find out what this looks like.

What is special about Reception at Trewirgie Infants School?

Wild Tribe sessions! We visit our Wild Tribe area every week for our outdoor learning sessions. Have a look at the leaflet to find out more!

Wild Tribe Information for Parents
What is special about Reception at Trewirgie Infants School?

Life skills sessions!

We feel it is important that the children have the opportunity to practise skills that will enable them to develop resilience and independence. So far we have spent time learning how to put on our coats, shoes and socks as well as how to use excellent table manners and cut our food using a knife and fork. The children feel a huge sense of pride and success when they are able to develop these skills and use them in their every day lives.


Class 1 – King Edward

Miss Kirsty Nugent
Miss Michelle Wathen

Class 2 – Wheal Uny

Miss Mir Gwilliam-Parkes
Miss Amelia Trudgeon

Class 3 – Robinson

Mr Craig Jenkin
Mrs Lyndsay Jenkin