Trewirgie Infant & Nursery School is a fully inclusive school, with every child’s individual needs at its heart. We consider that all children have individual needs, however there are some children that may need more support and additional interventions to ensure they achieve their full potential. We work together with parents and, if needed, any outside agencies to meet an individual’s needs. This enables us to target support and interventions effectively so we can work together to focus on specific learning targets and needs.
We aim to provide pupils with a strong foundation in reading, writing and maths through progressive teaching that builds on prior knowledge and learning. We encourage each child to develop their strengths and provide support and provision for areas they find challenging. Through the development of a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum, quality first teaching and creative educational opportunities, we will equip our children with the knowledge and skills that will take them onto the next stage of their education and beyond in their future lives.
We want to inspire a love of learning in our children, supporting them to build the resilience to become life long learners and enabling them to develop and grow in confidence and self-esteem, socially and emotionally.
Our focus at Trewirgie is developing the adults of the future, rounded individuals who can be confident and considerate of others, with awareness of the world and environmental issues. For children to understand the importance of teamwork, respect for themselves, pride in their work; and an acceptance of other people and cultures.
The staff within school continue to work collaboratively with parents, governors, local schools and the wider community of Redruth to make Trewirgie a school that we can all be proud of.
As a fully inclusive school we use a graduated approach to SEN in which every child has access to, firstly high quality class room teaching, then, should they need it small group work opportunities and/or individualised teaching programmes and interventions. This is delivered by our team of dedicated and well trained staff, who remain committed to ensuring all children have access to a stimulating and varied curriculum. At Trewirgie Infants we believe in supporting the ‘whole’ child so interventions are not only academic, but also based upon supporting children emotionally.
Our School Ethos for SEN
We Care (Intent)
We are an inclusive school and welcome all pupils.
Our curriculum is progressive and adaptations are made to ensure that it meets the needs of all pupils.
Our aim is to ensure that our children are happy, included and making progress towards their individual targets.
We Help (Implementation)
For those children on the RON, we provide an adapted curriculum with scaffolded support.
Individual Provision Maps (IPMs) identify specific needs with SMART targets and provision to meet those needs.
We work collaboratively with parents and liaise with external agencies.
Individualised support is provided for pupils with an EHCP in order to facilitate personalised curriculum approaches.
A skilled SENDCo and pastoral lead are in place.
We Succeed (Impact)
Pupils are happy and enjoy coming to school.
They engage with learning and make good progress against their targets.
Where appropriate the children know how to achieve their targets.
They are ready for the next stage of their education.
Please note each outside agency that we work with will have a different eligibility and referral process, which can be given upon request from the SENDCo and in some cases information can be found online, where indicated. In many cases either the school SENDCo/SEN Team or parents can make a referral, although it is usually more effective if the school SENDCo and parents work in partnership.
Cornwall Council SEN Support Services
(information about referrals can be found at: )
Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) Team
Autism Spectrum (AS) Team
Cognition & Learning Service
Hearing Support Team
Vision Support Team
Physical and Medical Needs Advisory Team
Services accessed through the online Early Help Hub
(information about referrals can be found at: )
Autistic Spectrum Disorder Assessment Team (ASDAT)
Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS)
Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Learning Disability Service
Children’s Community Nursing / Diana Nurses and Psychologists (for children with complex health needs)
Early Support (a multi disciplinary service that supports disabled children, young people & their families, this can include multi- disciplinary (TAC) meetings or SCIP workers that come and support the family on a targeted support basis)
Early Years Inclusion Service
Family Support
Health Visiting (over 2 years)
Paediatric Epilepsy Nurse Specialists
Parenting Support
School Nursing
Speech & Language Therapy
Other Services that can be accessed:
Occupational Therapists
Behaviour Support Services
Educational Psychological Services
Parent Carer Council- supports parents of children with disabilities
Cornwall SENDIASS- provides support for parents of children with SEN
Cornwall Parent Partnership Service- provides independent and impartial and information to parents about SEN rights and processes
Social Services
Children In Care (CICESS)
Other agencies such as Dreadnought, Penhaligon’s friends, Jigsaw.