Every absence from school is recorded as either AUTHORISED or UNAUTHORISED, the school will decide which. The school day is split in to two half day sessions where a register is taken at the start of each session.
Authorised absences are mornings or afternoons absent from school for an illness, medical/dental appointments (which unavoidably fall in school time), or an emergency.
Unauthorised absences are those which the school does not consider genuine or reasonable or a request for a leave of absence has not been received (e.g. an unauthorised holiday). This type of absence can lead to the Local Authority using sanctions and/or legal proceedings.
These include:
Parents/carers keeping children off school unnecessarily
Truancy before or during the school day
Absences which have not been properly explained
Children who arrive late to school after the register has closed
Shopping, looking after other children or birthdays
Day trips and holidays in term time which have not been agreed.
Whilst any child may be absent from school due to illness, sometimes they can be reluctant to attend school. If your child is reluctant to attend, please inform us so we can help resolve the matter.
Any child at Trewirgie Infants’ & Nursery School identified as having attendance below 95% will be regularly monitored by our attendance officer and evidence of any medical appointments during school time may need to be provided.
Thank you.