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Writing is a crucial part of our curriculum. We view reading and writing as being linked. Reading is like breathing in and writing like breathing out. With this in mind, all children from Nursery to Year 2 are taught to use the skills they learn in reading to help with their writing. They are given regular opportunities to write both in English lessons and across the curriculum.

Our intention is for pupils to be able to both read as a reader where they focus on the vocabulary, grammar and comprehension but also to read as a writer focusing on the author’s crafting of language and use of literacy devices. Where possible we always try to have an audience and purpose for the writing and these are often linked to topics, year group events or the school’s locality. As children master the early writing skills they are encouraged to edit their work to improve it and create drafts so that the final piece is the best it can be. Presentation is also important and we intend for every child to always do their best and to present their work to the highest possible standard.

To enable our pupils to learn to write in a creative and imaginative way, we use the ‘Talk for Writing’ approach. This approach supports children to become confident writers who can express their thoughts and ideas accurately through a range of genres for a variety of different purposes. The English National Curriculum objectives are embedded within our Talk for Writing texts and often linked to the school’s locality.

Talk for Writing Teaching Sequence

Imitation – Children learn stories and immerse themselves in the plot, acting the story out and getting to grips with the plot and character motives. Pupils read the texts to comprehend what the author has written, to internalise language patterns and phrases and suggest reasons for the choice of language and the techniques used.

Explore – Children explore the text including the grammatical features that the teachers have included in the text linked to the curriculum objectives being covered. We have a whole school colour coding to help children learn the different grammatical features.

Innovation – Children adapt and change the stories and texts that they have been learning to create their own versions using language techniques and plot structures that they ‘magpie’ from the original.

Invent – Children are given the opportunity to edit their work.

Children are encouraged to apply their writing skills at other times across the curriculum.


Spelling practice is directly linked to the learning of the 40+ sounds in the early years and then when children have mastered these, they use the Year 1 and 2 spelling lists to learn and practise the spelling patterns appropriate for their year group. Spellings are taught in school as part of spelling sessions and embedded within writing. Children are also expected to practise their spellings each week at home.


Handwriting is taught as a specific skill, little and often. Firstly we teach handwriting (letter formation) by linking closely with the Read Write Inc. scheme in daily phonics sessions. In KS1 children are introduced to a simple joined handwriting style following the Nelson Handwriting Scheme. When children reach a set standard consistently in their writing they can use a handwriting pen to write with.